““Ladies and gentlemen of Wausau. Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this knowledge with Wausau Neighbors.” ”
Greetings! I’m Dan Weber. I have 13 years of experience in the craft beverage industry and Co-own Timekeeper Distillery with my lovely wife Kimm Weber. We also have a craft beverage business consulting company that helps developing entrepreneurs. Born and raised in central Wisconsin I have been honored with the request to help contribute to the Wausau Neighbors Magazine. Though I have move away for education and career opportunities briefly I always found myself coming home to Wausau. After moving back home, I took a service industry position with The Great Dane Pub and brewing and quickly struck up a friendship with the brewer at the time, Pete McCabe. Within a week I was following him around the brewery and instantly knew that brewing was the career I wanted! I then enrolled into a 2 year apprenticeship program with The Dane, then became assistant brewer for a year or so, and then had the opportunity to become Head Brewer and never looked back. The Dane has been instrumental in my development into the craft beverage industry. The company has sent their brewers and I abroad to Germany and Belgium. So not only could we drink and taste the tradition and history but meet the brewers responsible for brewing their world-famous brews. The Dane encouraged continued education and sent us to work shops and seminars all over the country. Without their guidance I certainly could be on a different path. Armed with this knowledge and a passion to own our own business, my wife and I opened Timekeeper Distillery 3 years ago on October 6th. We have had an amazing journey and have been so fortunate to be apart of the craft beverage and culinary scene in Wausau. I hope to share some of my “meandering experience” with the Wausau community and look forward to contributing information about the craft beverage industry that you can experience in home and in the community.
Daniel J Weber
Head Distiller/ Owner